Here’s what Jean-jacques Birgé has to say about it!
“Whether or not you’re one of the lucky 200,000 who owned a Nabaztag rabbit or attended Nabaz’mob, the opera for 100 communicating rabbits, you’ll love Animal Opera, my new CD. My recording this summer in Peru of L’aube à Shimiyacu in the Amazon rainforest inspired me to accompany it with two different versions of the opera I imagined with Antoine Schmitt in 2006.
Each hutch had its own autonomy, just as each rabbit had its own free will. The fairy-tale, minimalist music of the 100 plastic robots contrasts with the noise of the drone produced by the elytra of strange insects. After a hundred albums, most recently my Centenaire (1952-2052) and the 3 volumes of Pique-nique au labo with 48 soloists, this is my first album without any musicians, even at the controls. Absorbed by nature or entrusting the wi-fi to conduct an orchestra of a hundred mini-synthesizers, the composer once again finds here the magic of his instant compositions.”
Jean-Jacques Birgé, Animal Opera, CD GRRR 3 volets avec livret bilingue F/GB 12 pages, graphics by Etienne Mineur, dist. Socadisc
(Jean-Jacques Birgé created the Nabaztag sounds and Antoine Schmitt designed the movements and light animations).